
Refine is a tool that lets you run tasks. The idea behind the name is you "refine" Oil to make Fuel. You can read more specifically about Tasks to see how they are made and what they can be used for.

Included tasks

FuelPHP comes with several tasks to make your life just that little bit easier:

  • install: Allows you to install a new deployment of FuelPHP. Requires git to clone the repositories.
  • migrate: Run database migrations from the commandline.
  • session: Allows you to manipulate the database table required for the Session class.
  • fromdb: Allows you to generate models, migrations, scaffolding or admin code from existing database tables.

All tasks will provide some help information when you run them with the help command:

$ php oil refine <taskname>:help


$ php oil refine <taskname --help


An example task called robots can be found in fuel/app/tasks/.

$ php oil refine robots

                    "KILL ALL HUMANS!"
                      _____     /
               /\ #\ \_____/ /# /\
              /  \# \_.---._/ #/  \
             /   /|\  |   |  /|\   \
            /___/ | | |   | | | \___\
            |  |  | | |---| | |  |  |
            |__|  \_| |_#_| |_/  |__|
            //\\  <\ _//^\\_ />  //\\
            \||/  |\//// \\\\/|  \||/
                  |   |   |   |
                  |---|   |---|
                  |---|   |---|
                  |   |   |   |
                  |___|   |___|
                  /   \   /   \
                 |_____| |_____|
                 |HHHHH| |HHHHH|

Not the most useful example in the world, but it works as a useful example. But you can use the Cli class to make things more interactive or just run basic model interaction for cron jobs.