Redis_Db Class

The Redis_Db class allows you to interact with a Redis key-value store.


For every Redis database connection there must be a config in redis array in app/config/<environment>/db.php. Configuration options and explanation are listed below. Every config requires to contain a hostname and a port.

Param Type Default Description
hostname string
port integer
Port to use in the connection
timeout mixed
Connection timeout
database integer
Database zero-based index
password mixed
Optional password if the database requires authentication

forge($name = 'default', $config = array())

Create a new named redis instance, optionally with a custom configuration

Static Yes
Param Default Description
The name of the new redis instance, as defined the application config db.php file.
custom configuration, which will override the values defined in the db.php file.
Returns Fuel\Core\Redis Object
// create the Redis 'mystore' instance
$redis = Redis_Db::forge('mystore');

instance($name = 'default')

Return a named instance that was created earlier.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
The name of the redis instance requested, as created using forge().
Returns Fuel\Core\Redis Object
// retrieve the Redis 'mystore' instance
$redis = Redis_Db::instance('mystore');

Redis commands

Once you have created a redis object using the instance() method, every valid redis command (see the Redis Documentation) as a method of that object.

Some examples:

// create the Redis 'mystore' instance
$redis = Redis_Db::forge('mystore');

// create some test data
$redis->rpush('particles', 'proton');
$redis->rpush('particles', 'electron');
$redis->rpush('particles', 'neutron');

// fetch the range
$particles = $redis->lrange('particles', 0, -1);

// count the number of elements
$particle_count = $redis->llen('particles');

// display the results
echo "<p>The {$particle_count} particles that make up atoms are:</p>";
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($particles as $particle) {
  echo "<li>{$particle}</li>";
echo "</ul>";


You can add multiple Redis commands into a command pipeline, and execute them all at once.

An example:

// create the Redis 'mystore' instance
$redis = Redis_Db::forge('mystore');

// pipeline some redis commands, then execute them
$result = $redis->pipeline()
    ->sadd('list', 4)
    ->sadd('list', 1)
    ->sadd('list', 55)